Helping kids through the Christchurch shootings

1991, I was in Grade 12 and the Iraq war had just start. It was the first war that really affected my generation and Australia at the time. We were old enough to begin to try to understand the why, the consequences, the $ and politics behind it.

And I remember my English teacher, Mr Christie gave us an assignment that was to be handed in 6 months later.

He instucted us to all buy a new Spirax notebook. That notebook was to be dedicated to our drawings, poems, stories, thoughts and feelings about the Iraq War. At the time, my classmates and I probably just thought that was a random assignment with a really long deadline.

Now, I realise how brilliant he was in giving us that ‘assignment’.

He was helping us to journal, to express in a healthy way the thoughts, feelings and emotions the war raised. He guiding us to think and question the motives behind the war – was it right, wrong? How was it affecting us and others?

It’s only now, 3-4 days after the events in Christchurch am I beginning to comprehend the enormity of what’s happened. I’m beginning to feel the anger, sadness, the total loss of understanding what drives someone to do this. This is way too close to home, in so many ways.

I feel so much for the victims’ families, for the survivors, for the emergency response people, for that man’s family, for Jacinda Ardern and her amazing leadership … and for children and young adults right now trying to get their heads around this atrocity.

Parents and teachers, maybe Mr Christie’s idea might help young people you know to deal with the emotions this event may raise?

Love and Blessings to everyone involved. I am so sorry for your loss. 

Joanna Cozens